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Unseen Images. Imagination in the Making of Sabine Hertig’s Collages

Michael Renner, Visual Communication Institute, The Basel School of Design HGK FHNW

Keywords: imagination, collage, design process, creativity, seeing as.


This paper begins with a brief summary of a variety of theories on the creative process, addressing the question how unseen, surprising and intriguing images come about.
A close reading of the collage process employed by the artist Sabine Hertig is conducted, following the claim by Gille Deleuze, that the artist is emptying out the canvas instead of filling it up (Deleuze, 2003). The analysis of her process to create small and large-scale collages, taking ‘scraps’ from old magazines, shows how her specific methodology alters and combines preconceived processes so that they lead to unexpected results.

How to cite as an article
Renner, M. (2019). Unseen Images. Imagination in the Making of Sabine Hertig’s Collages. img journal, 1(1), 284-297.

How to cite as a contribution in book
Renner, M. (2019). Unseen Images. Imagination in the Making of Sabine Hertig’s Collages. In A. Luigini, C. Panciroli (Eds.) img journal 01/2019 Manifesto, 284-297. ISBN 9788899586096

©2019 by the authors. Licensee PUBLICA, Alghero, Italy. Open access article distribuited under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.

Issue 01

Oct 2019


Edited by:
Alessandro Luigini
Chiara Panciroli

Full English text
Pages: 345
ISBN: 9788899586096

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